Scripps 2023 Primary Care in Paradise CME Conference - Maui, Hawaii Hyatt Regency Maui Resort And Spa, Lahaina
The 2023 conference will feature updates in gastroenterology, cardiology, neurology, hematology, infectious disease, nephrology, and more! This important CME conference will educate and promote improved patient outcomes in a broad range of therapeutic areas commonly encountered in the busy primary care practice. In addition to an overview of the history and current science of a variety of specialty areas, content will be presented in a very practical, patient-focused manner relevant to the specific primary care setting and challenges.
Speakers: Walter Coyle, MD, FACG, FACP – Scripps Clinic, Nancy Crum-Cianflone, MD, MPH, FACP, FIDSA – Avita Health System – Galion Hospital, Joel Diamant, MD, FACP – Scripps Clinic, Jack Schim, MD – The Neurology Center, KeAndrea Titer, MD – University of Alabama at Birmingham, Poulina Uddin, MD – Scripps Clinic, Karla Williams, MD – University of Alabama at Birmingham, Andrew King, MD – Scripps Clinic/Scripps Green Hospital

Physicians (MD, DO, MBBS): USD 750.00, RN, NP, PA, Others: USD 600.00, Students, Residents, Fellows: USD 375.00